Saturday, February 6, 2010

Music Definitions & Terminologies # 7

Here is another set of the basic music definitions and terminologies as your 7th session:
  1. Vibrato – It refers to repeated fluctuation of pitch.
  2. Time signature – Expresses the number of beats and nature of note to be used in a bar. It is expressed in fraction form.
  3. Variation – As the word suggests, It refers to variations in the theme or music through melodic, rhythmic and harmonic changes.
  4. Subdominant – It is the fourth degree of the major/minor scale. It also refers to triad built on fourth degree of the scale represented as IV.
  5. Staff – Staff consists of five horizontal lines parallel to each other having four spaces. Plenty of symbols are placed over it to express the music.
  6. Staccato – It’s the opposite of legato indicated by a dot over or under a note, means shortening of a note.
  7. Solo – Solo is the part of music performed alone or holds a predominant position.
  8. Semitone – It is the smallest interval, also known as half step. On the Guitar fretboard each fret has a semi-tone distance with its adjacent fret.
  9. Sharp – A symbol (#) that raises the pitch of a note by half tone.
  10. Flat – A symbol (b) that decreases the pitch of a note by half tone.