Sunday, January 31, 2010

Music Definitions & Terminologies # 6

Here is another set of the basic music definitions and terminologies as a part of your 6th session:
  1. Harmony - The sounding of two or more tones simultaneously.
  2. Interval – Interval is the distance between two notes. The 2 common intervals are half tone and whole tone.
  3. Key signature - The sharps or flats symbols placed at the beginning of the staff to identify the scale.
  4. Ledger lines - Short lines placed above and below the staff to reach the pitches of the composition that are beyond the range of staff.
  5. Major chord - A triad composed of a root (1st note), major third (3rd note), and perfect fifth (5th note).
  6. Measure - A group of beats indicated by the placement of bar lines on the staff. It is the space between two bar lines on the staff.
  7. Minor chord– A triad formed by 1st, 3rd flat and 5th note of the major scale.
  8. Metronome – It is the instrument that carries different tempos i.e. speed of the beats/minute.
  9. Natural – It is a musical symbol that makes the note natural i.e. without any sharp or flat.
  10. Notation – It is a term for a system of expressing musical tones through usage of written symbols known as Notes.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Music Definitions & Terminologies # 5

Here are another set of the basic music definitions and terminologies as a part of your 5th session:
  1. Circle of fifths - The succession of keys or chords proceeding by fifths.
  2. Classical Music – Music belonging to a certain class, form or structure. Belonging to late 18th and early 19th century.
  3. Common time – It represents 4/4 meter.
  4. Cut time – It represents 2/2 meter.
  5. Degree – Degree is one of the eight consecutive tones in a scale. Each note is a degree in a major or minor scale.
  6. Dominant - The fifth degree of the major or minor scale.
  7. Double bar - Two vertical lines placed on the staff to indicate the end of a section or a composition. It is also used with two dots to enclose repeated sections.
  8. Eighth – It is the eighth degree known as Octave.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Music Definitions & Terminologies # 4

Here are some of the basic music definitions and terminologies as a part of your 4th session:
  1. Accent – It is a symbol (>) placed above a note to indicate stress or emphasis.
  2. What is an accidental in Music?: Accidentals are the notes that are played in a piece of music but they do not belong to the general key of music containing substantial part of the song. They may be sharp, flat or natural not included in the given key.
  3. What is an accompaniment?:Accompaniment is the background of the solo part of the music. It supports the lead melody in an instrumental or vocal form.
  4. What is a Chord?: A combination of three or more notes played simultaneously.
  5. What is a Broken chord?: When the notes of a chord are played one by one rather simultaneously, it is recognized as a broken chord. Also known as Arpeggio.
  6. Chromatic - Ascending or descending by half steps.
  7. What is a Chromatic scale? A scale composed of 12 half steps.
  8. What is a Clef?: A symbol placed at the beginning of the staff that indicates and fixes the pitch of the notes over the staff.
  9. What is a Common time?: It represents 4/4 meter.
  10. What is a Bar line?: The vertical line placed on the staff that divides the music into measures.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Music Terminologies # 3

Following is the 3rd session:

  1. Ritardando (or retard. or rit.): gradually getting slower.
  2. Ritenuto (or riten. or rit.):held back
  3. Staccato(or stacc.):detached
  4. Tempo: speed, time
  5. Dolce: sweet, soft
  6. fp(=fortepiano):loud, then immediately soft
  7. grave: very slow, solemn
  8. sostenuto: sustained
  9. presto: fast(faster than allegro)
  10. prima, primo: first
  11. leggier: light, nimble

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Music Terminologies # 2

Hi friends,
Today I am pasting another set of 11 music words as seesion #2 that will increase your information in Music.My advise is to stay consistent, slow and you will realise you have got what you wanted in no time. My objective towards putting up these vocabularies is to present group of informations in a blog format which can also be seen as a daily session by readers.

Music terminologies are not so wide in quantity and neither like a dictionary to mug up. there are only a definite number in music vacubalry which are very significant component indeed to comprehend, understand and learn music skills if onw knowd these terms. it is also advisable to a for a teacher and a very useful tool for effective teaching to their students.

Music vocabulary organize understanding of music in a shortest and systemaized way. It saves time when one is learning higher order thinking concept as understanding a contrapunctual music, acknowledging special effects in a composition, expressing special moods etc.

The Music terminlogies make a musician, author, teacher quiet expressive and professional, its an indispensable knowledge for a music counselor, teacher etc.
Now, Lets learn and acknolwedge few of the basic 10-11 music terms as:
  1. allegretto: fairly quick(but not as quick as allegro)
  2. allegro: quick(literally ‘cheerful’)
  3. Andante: at a medium (‘walking’) speed.
  4. Decrescendo: gradually getting quieter.
  5. mezzo: half
  6. mf (=mezzo forte):moderately loud
  7. mp(=mezzo piano): moderately quiet
  8. p(=piano): quiet
  9. pp(=pianissimo): very quiet
  10. poco: a little
  11. rallentando (or rall.): gradually getting slower.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Composition # 1, Happy Birthday Jingle

Music Terminologies # 1

Today I am posting some music terminologies as session 1 to get some idea and information to start with, slowly and gradually i will keep on enhancing Music terminologies section by section, page by page, post by post with audio and video examples to help you get more information and fun. Now, Lets learn and acknolwedge few of the basic 10-11 music terms as:

  1. Accelerando: Gradually getting quicker
  2. Adagio: slow
  3. Cantabil: in a singing style
  4. Crescendo: gradually getting louder
  5. da capo(D.C.): repeat from the beginning
  6. dal segno(D.S.):repeat from the sign $
  7. fine: the end
  8. f(=forte): loud
  9. ff(=fortissimo): very loud
  10. legato:smoothly
  11. lento:slow

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